You might be able to prevent or cure your acne with hypnosis. According to such a reliable source as Philip D. Shenefelt, M.D., M.S., Associate Professor, Department of Dermatology and Cutaneous Surgery, University of South Florida College of Medicine, Tampa, Florida, hypnosis has proven to be an effective means of treating pain related to dermatologic or cosmetic procedures. This would include dermbrasion and other procedures often performed as an acne cure. Even better, in some patients, hypnosis has shown to be effective at preventing and even curing acne outbreaks. Hypnosis is certainly a natural acne cure, and one that I am excited to hear about. It's a natural, safe approach to pain management and stress reduction. Anything that reduces stress is likely to reduce the occurrences of acne , particularly in adults. Hypnosis and other related approaches to altered consciousness can be learned and practiced by the individual, giving it great potential as a self help procedure as well as a clinical procedure. And, once learned, you can practice self hypnosis on any pain, stress or other condition that may occur. The "down side" to hypnosis that it is only helpful to patients deemed "hypnotizable." The article is published online in Modern Medicine. Here is a video demonstrating a group of people using hypnosis to create an "anaesthetized" arm. Warning: if you're a little squeamish, give this one a miss. It shows people getting pins inserted in their arms.
Hypnosis is well worth a try if you suffer from acne or other skin conditions. There are plenty of skilled and trained hypnotists around, not to mention the many self help DVDs, books and videos that help you learn self hypnosis.
Hypnosis is well worth a try if you suffer from acne or other skin conditions. There are plenty of skilled and trained hypnotists around, not to mention the many self help DVDs, books and videos that help you learn self hypnosis.
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