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Monday, September 20, 2010

Cautions about Using Acne Herbs

Anyone researching natural acne cures will soon discover that acne herbs can be useful for ridding the skin of the unpleasant condition known as acne.  A quick Internet search turns up tons of web sites advocating the use of various herbs.  Undoubtedly many of these sites provide accurate information.  Also, undoubtedly, some provide inaccurate or downright dangerous information.

The thing to remember is that herbs may contain ingredients that affect the body's functioning. The fact that they grow in nature does not mean they are necessarily safe. Or, they may be safe if taken in certain quantifies, or if used in a certain way -- but dangerous in other situations.

Anyone deciding to try acne herbs is strongly advised to do so under the care of a professional herablist or medical practitioner The correct herb and the correct dosage for you will depend upon your individual, unique condition.  And also remember that herbs, like pharmaceutical medications, can have side effects and can interact with any other medication or herb that you may be taking. A professional will monitor this.

The following are examples of acne herbs that you may  be advised to use:

Burdock:  Burdock is a common weed that has long been used as a natural remedy for acne and skin conditions.  The root and leaves are used in an array of teas, tinctures and supplements.  Using burdock under the guidance of a herbalist is a good idea. Experts have not fully researched this plant's toxic properties, nor do they fully understand the healing properties. Burdock should not be taken by women who are pregnant or nursing. It can cause complications to the pregnancy..Diabetics may want to avoid burdock as well. In some studies, burdock has improved diabetic conditions, but in other studies, has worsened it.  Also, be aware that when ingested, burdock is known to stimulate the appetite This is useful if you want to gain weight; it is a consideration of a different matter if you want to reduce your weight.

Red Clover:  In addition to allegedly bringing you luck, prosperity health and protection, red clover can help rid you or acne and other skin conditions. It can be taken internally or externally as a salve or ointment.  As with burdock, I advocate using it under the care of a herbalist.

Be aware that isolated red clover isoflavone products are much different than the herb as a whole. Isoflavone is a type of plant estrogen. Children, pregnant women, breast feeding women and women with a history of breast cancer should not use this herb.  People who are taking hormones (which includes the birth control pill) should not use red clover isoflavones.

These are but two of the many acne herbs that can be tried.

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